Newark, Del., May 14, 2020, Landmark Science & Engineering is pleased to announce that Craig M. Lynch, E.I.T., has joined the firm as Civil Engineering Designer. He earned the designation of Engineer in Training and is close to achieving his goal of becoming a licensed Professional Engineer.
Craig M. Lynch, E.I.T. earned a Bachelor of Civil Engineering with a concentration in Environmental Engineering at Michigan State University in 2010. After relocating here with his wife, a native Delawarean, he went to work for the New Castle County Department of Land Use. Over the past five years he was assigned to over 230 Land Development Applications, including many notable projects. He gained invaluable insight into the land development plan review and approval process, and as a DNREC-certified Sediment and Stormwater Management Certified Construction Reviewer, he is experienced in inspecting erosion and sediment control practices and reviewing stormwater management plans.
Craig will utilize his civil engineering site design and construction review experience in his new civil engineering position at Landmark. He will apply his knowledge of residential and commercial land development design while specializing in stormwater runoff conveyance, stormwater management facility design and as-built, erosion and sediment control, and floodplain delineation studies. Craig is proficient in New Castle County Drainage Code and the Delaware Sediment and Stormwater Regulations where he served on the Standard Plan Regulatory Technical Advisory Subcommittee in 2018.
Growing up in Northern Michigan – “one of the most beautiful places in the world” – Craig always wanted to work with water and preserving it and, thus, earned his degree with the “goal of remediating water pollution.” He chose to come work at Landmark “because of the high-quality of the engineers and staff and the opportunity to grow personally and professionally.” He and his wife, Ashley, an RN, reside in north Wilmington with their two young sons.
Craig reports to Principal and EVP Keith A. Rudy, PE, LEED AP, who says he is “pleased to welcome such a highly-skilled and accomplished individual who we expect will play a key role in the future of the company.”