Brick Mill Early Childhood Center

Landmark was selected by the Owner to provide planning and design to develop an Early Childhood Center for Preschool and Kindergarten programs at 360 Brick Mill Road, adjacent to the existing Brick Mill Elementary School in the Town of Middletown for the Appoquinimink School District. Landmark coordinated all services with the Owner’s project architect, Gilbert Architects. A Record Plan was recorded with the Town of Middletown and site construction plans were prepared in coordination with the Owner’s architect. Landmark continued working on the project through construction administration, construction-phase surveying, and Certified Construction Review services.
Efficient Site Design
The project demonstrates efficient site design, incorporating two (2) schools on one 45.15-acre site with an existing elementary school, to create a Pre-K to 5 campus. the project involved extinguishing property lines between the two parcels to create one campus. The project was constructed in four phases to complete the school with required parking/access, stormwater management and utilities. Green technology best management practices (BMPs) include two large infiltration basins that can be seen in the above photo. (Aerial photo is courtesy of Whiting-Turner Contracting Co.)
Services Provided
Landmark provided boundary and topographic land surveys and wetland/forestation investigations prior to the start of this design project. Site construction plans were prepared for existing conditions/demolition, grading, utilities, erosion and sediment control, stormwater management BMP facilities, sanitary sewer and modifications to the entrances. Construction-phase services included building stakeout, foundation as-built survey, and certified construction review (CCR). Agency processing was successfully completed with the State Fire Marshal, DelDOT, the Town Planning Commission and Town Council.