Delaware Tech – Entrance Improvements

Landmark Science & Engineering was hired by Delaware Technical Community College to provide civil engineering and landscape design services for drainage and landscaping improvements at the Stanton Campus main building entrance.
Multiple entrance improvement concepts were created and coordinated with campus staff. One concept that was selected included using colored concrete to recreate the College’s “diamond” pattern in the sidewalk at the building entrance. We coordinated with Campus staff in the selection of new plant materials and placement of site furnishings.
POW/MIA Chair of Honor

A new POW/MIA Chair of Honor and plaque were dedicated on September 20, 2019, joining the Rolling Thunder® Inc. POW/MIA Chair of Honor Program, which is intended to bring daily reminders of military soldiers captured as prisoners of war or who have been declared missing in action.
Services Provided
The scope of work included civil engineering, site design, topographic land surveying, landscape design, approvals and agency processing, bidding and construction phase administration services. Plans included: construction plans, drainage plan, erosion and sediment control plan, and landscape plan.

Since 1990, Landmark has provided services to Delaware Tech at all of its statewide campuses including, but not limited to, master planning, civil engineering, site design, landscape design, land surveying, and construction-phase services. We have worked directly for the College and also as part of multidisciplinary design teams for these expansion and improvement projects.