Wilmington University Sports Complex

The new Wilmington University sports facility includes a field house with indoor gymnasium and office space. An outdoor, fenced, synthetic-turf athletic field is marked for soccer and lacrosse and has a 400-seat stadium with press box. The parking lot and entrance/exit on US 40 required major pedestrian/bicycle improvements and roadway widening.
Landmark was selected by the owner not only for their reputation with design of recreational and athletic facilities and for their experience working with specialty subconsultants for design of synthetic turf fields, but also for its design expertise with Critical Natural Areas and Water Resources Protection Area-Recharge Area. Staff performed topographic surveys, site design including grading, erosion and sediment control, stormwater management BMPs (field used for infiltration with enhanced underdrain system, two subsurface stormwater systems, and a large bioretention basin), sanitary sewer, major roadway improvements, and flood study review. Landmark Scientists prepared an Environmental Assessment Report for review of Critical Natural Areas and performed wetland delineation. Construction phase services included building layout, certified construction review, and foundation as-built plans.