DSU Human Ecology/Ag. Lab Addition
The new Human Ecology/Agriculture Laboratory building at Delaware State University is a 10,000 square foot addition to the Baker Building Extension. The project included associated sidewalks and parking area, all of which were located in the City of Dover’s Stormwater Protection Overlay Zone, Tier 3-Excellent Recharge Area. This Overlay Zoning required complete infiltration for all new construction. Infiltration was achieved with the use of green technology stormwater BMPs. Landmark was the first consulting firm to take a project through the process to meet these more stringent City of Dover regulatory requirements.
Landmark provided preliminary project assistance under a separate environmental contract with the institution by performing an environmental assessment to meet NEPA standards for federal grant funding, and worked as part of a multidisciplinary design team, led by the architect, to provide the surveying, civil engineering, site design including erosion and sediment control plan, stormwater management BMPs (two bioretention areas to meet infiltration requirements), and site plan approval. Regulatory agencies included NEPA, EDA, and DHCA.